Zero Partikle The Zero Partikle concept was designed in response to the Covid-19 global pandemic’s need for a professional medical grade personal disinfecting solution. This product concept was the result of a development meeting where one of our team members with a Microbiology background suggested that we create an effective product to help with the current global pandemic shortage of N95 masks.

The architecture of the Zero Partikle was designed specifically to disinfect multiple face masks to allow for their safe, efficient reuse. The capsule of the Zero Partikle effectively can clean 3 (surgical) masks at one time while being suspended by a bracket that allows the UV light to reach all surfaces. N95 full face masks due to their 3 dimensional shape will be limited to one per disinfection cycle. Mobile phones, keys and other potentially contaminated personal items can also be completely UV treated as well.

Our system operates on triple 254 nm UV irradiation lamps with an intensity rating of 810 uw/cm2 at 30mm. This gives off the highest fluence (UV dose) of any disinfecting device available today. To reach the standard 4-Log inactivation, exposure time would be from anywhere from 1 to 5 minutes depending on the size and shape of the object. Unlike common LED based UV light solutions which operate on 270-280 nm, the Zero Paritkle uses 254 nm UV wavelength output as that has been proven as the optimal frequency and is the standard currently being used by medical community for viral and bacterial disinfection.
UV disinfecting devices are not regulated by a government department. As a result, most UV antibacterial/viral disinfecting products are not validated and were not designed with any scientific protocols – generally just a plastic box with a UV LED light.

IASUS design and engineering provides bespoke design and manufacturing services for special projects.